Thursday, February 03, 2005

I Am a Raible God

I am a Raible God.

I am on a Raible card, for real, no lies.

Alas, I cannot tell you what that actually means, what card it is, or how it got there. That would get people in trouble.

But trust me, I am on a Raible card, for real. Thus, I am a Raible God.


  1. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Are you referring to Steve Raible from KIRO 7 News? I am a personal friend of Steve. What is a Raible Card? Next time I speak with Steve I will have to tell him about your blog.

  2. Anonymous2:05 PM

    czy ty jesteś Raible-Bogiem? Jesli tak to nie jedynym, bo gdyby nie Koalicja to nie był byś nim.

    Żyj długo Koalicjo Mistrzów!
    Żyjcie długo Houston Astros!

    Dusza Polski
